WP Panel gives WordPress Agencies and Developers the freedom to white-label and customise the WordPress dashboard for their clients and users. We have included some settings to further improve the user experience, and to enable the use of WP Panel settings across multiple WordPress websites.
WP Panel > Settings
The settings area will allow you to control a few settings to improve your users experience whilst using WordPress. It also allows for easy import and export of settings.
- Reset to defaults on deactivation of plugin – By default, WP Panel will remember your settings on deactivation of the WP Panel plugin. By checking this check box, all settings will be deleted if you deactivate, and reactivate the plugin, thus performing a hard reset on the plugin.
- Hide Gutenberg – Easily hide the Gutenberg editor by ticking the check box.
- Hide Help Tab in Header – Hide the “Help Tab” in the header for any user level.
- Hide Nag Notices – Hide annoying nag notices by ticking the check box. Nag notices will be hidden for users below admin level. Not all nag notices will be hidden, as this is dependant on the plugin. However we have seen a drastic improvement in the amount of nag notices the end users will see; decluttering their WordPress dashboard and improving their user experience. Nag notices are generally eliminated from the dashboard page.
- Export Settings – Click to export your WP Panel settings. A JSON file will be downloaded to your computer which includes all WP Panel settings.
- Import Settings – Attach the JSON file that has been exported from another WP Panel website, and upload to import all WP Panel settings from a previous website. This is a fantastic piece of functionality for WordPress Agencies and Developers who are looking to apply the same settings across multiple WordPress dashboards. (Please note – Google Analytics tracking codes, and other tracking codes may my imported from previous websites. We encourage you to customise your dashboard and then export to a JSON file, before inputting any tracking codes.)